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The Peace House

판문점 공동경비구역


Paumunjom(Joint Security Area)
Among the people of the world, Koreans especially appreciate freedom and peace because of the civil war that seperated them and the divided country in which they now live. Koreans eagerly long for a peaceful unification
The House of Peace is located at 130m southwest of the Freedom House. Kt is temporarily built for the meeting of Prime Ministers of South and North Korea in Jone 1980, and then newly constructed at the present place in December 1989, In this House of Peace, non-military, civilian meetings between South and North Korea are held.
평화의 집
The Peace House
  • 평화의집에서 개최된 남북 군사회담장면
    The scene of military talks between North and South at the Peace House
  • The scene shows that the South hands over the certificate for delivery of cattle to the North
  • 1998년 6월 17일 역사적인 소떼 방북 관련사진